David Tutera turned my life upside down in the best way possible. It’s crazy for me to look back on life and see just how far I’ve come throughout the years. As a wedding and event planner who dreamed about this occupation as a kid, I can’t even believe I sit here today doing something I love.
My passion for planning began when I was about 12 years old. I watched all the wedding shows you could think of. One, in particular, was My Fair Wedding by David Tutera. I was inspired during every single episode at how he could transform a bride’s vision into something bigger and better.
I thought to myself, “one day I’m going to be like him. One day I’m going to work with David and be on his TV show.” I told my family about my current obsession and they felt dealing with brides might not be my cup of tea. It’s interesting at a young age how much you look up to your elders and have them deter you in a different direction only because their approval means so much more than your own. They wished for me to finish school, get good grades, graduate, and get a well-paid job.
That’s exactly what I did and long story short I ended up moving out of Los Angeles and to the San Francisco Bay Area to study Business Management. Along the way, it wasn’t until my junior year of college I ended up thinking about wedding planning again and remembered David Tutera as someone I looked up to. Naturally, I Googled “David Tutera Internships,” in hopes that perhaps he had some kind of opportunity. What do you know? In less than 2 months he had a 3-day Symposium approaching where you basically learn from him. I took a chance, paid for my ticket, and I was well on my way to meet David.
Am I actually meeting David Tutera? Thoughts were running in and out of my head. Is he a nice person? Is he mean? Dramatic? Will he like me? I walk into the lobby and there we have taking pictures and meeting all the other attendees. I say hello and introduce myself. He was super nice and gladly took a picture with me. (See below. P.S. Yes, I have an awkward hand because, well…I was super nervous and “fangirled” so hard).
I had a great time at the symposium learning and networking with others. In other words, I knew I had to do it again. A year later I went but this time he said at the end of the three days he would select 2 attendees who would be able to assist him on an event of their choice.
Guess who won? Your girl right here! Pinch me, because 12 years old me was screaming inside. I was in awe and could not believe that I was one of the two selected. I smiled ear to ear and David had the sweetest words to say. Then I cried the second I got to my hotel because I could not believe a dream come true as this happened.
That year I did assist David in one of his events. It was truly remarkable and a one-of-a-kind event I’m sure was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I worked with his team and learned so much that night. A few months later I decided I was going to give it my all and do planning full time. I felt intimidated though. We’re talking about an oversaturated market here. How was I going to stand out amongst the rest? What makes me different? (Now, I know but back then I had no clue). I’m a sponge and love to learn, so I thought why not reach out to the best of the best and contacted David.
I asked how he and his family were. How this business was going and if there was anything he needed I would love to assist. In some way or form, I was so confident in how I was talking little did I know I was selling myself as to why I should be apart of Team Tutera and landed the job.
He had a show coming up called, My Great Big Live Wedding and was asked to be apart of this project. I handled the back end of communication with the production team and assisted the day of, at the episodes in Los Angeles.
How much more surreal could you get? To think 12 years old me said, “one day I’m going to be like him. One day I’m going to work with David Tutera and be on his TV show” to it actually coming true? That’s when I realized I manifested this not even understanding the full concept of the Law of Attraction. Crazy right?
Working with David was a rollercoaster full of highs and lows. But that’s with any business, right? I really learned the good, bad, and ugly of event planning. I learned the logistical side and planning side of the business and what things I could implement when I decide to open up my own business.
Not Jess A Planner is a full service event designer and planner specializing in luxury events and weddings. Turning dreams into reality she leads clients through an organized and thorough process to ensure a once in a lifetime experience.
Not Jess A Planner is a full service event designer and planner specializing in luxury events and weddings. Turning dreams into reality she leads clients through an organized and thorough process to ensure a once in a lifetime experience.
Hi Jessica ~
Well how cool is this story!!! I love it!
I met you earlier this evening at Secret Garden (I’m Cynthia with Classical Entertainment, and I brought the virtuoso violinist, Valeri.)
I would love to set up a chat time – lets go have a coffee sometime soon, I would love to work with you!
Hi Cynthia! It was so great meeting you, yes would love to. I emailed you! 🙂